annotations (1) apple (1) atlascamp (1) atlassian (2) aws (1) barcelona (1) circuit-breaker (1) conference (1) constructor (1) dns (2) domain (1) exceptions (1) fault-tolerance (1) gandi (1) github (2) homekit (1) ios (1) java (5) javac (1) jekyll (2) lambda (1) lego (1) mac (2) maker (1) memory (1) microservices (1) mockito (1) network (1) performance (1) power-up (1) python (1) raspberry-pi (1) reliability (1) resilience (1) sensor (1) smart (1) talk (2) terminal (1) testing (1) this (1) track (1) trains (1) uniovi (1) url (1) version (1) wifi (1) zsh (1)

 annotations (1)

Why I do not love Mockito annotations

 apple (1)

Connect HomeKit lights

 atlascamp (1)

Five Essential Techniques for Building Fault-tolerant Systems

 atlassian (2)

Five Essential Techniques for Building Fault-tolerant Systems
Scaling towards a thousand microservices

 aws (1)

LEGO trains distributed control system using Raspberry Pi, AWS and Trello

 barcelona (1)

Five Essential Techniques for Building Fault-tolerant Systems

 circuit-breaker (1)

Five Essential Techniques for Building Fault-tolerant Systems

 conference (1)

Five Essential Techniques for Building Fault-tolerant Systems

 constructor (1)

Are you leaking this?

 dns (2)

Java URL class is broken
Using a custom apex domain with Github Pages

 domain (1)

Using a custom apex domain with Github Pages

 exceptions (1)

Avoid exceptions for control flow - the performance argument

 fault-tolerance (1)

Five Essential Techniques for Building Fault-tolerant Systems

 gandi (1)

Using a custom apex domain with Github Pages

 github (2)

Using a custom apex domain with Github Pages
Refreshing my personal website with Github Pages and Jekyll

 homekit (1)

Connect HomeKit lights

 ios (1)

Connect HomeKit lights

 java (5)

Cross-version Java compilation
Avoid exceptions for control flow - the performance argument
Java URL class is broken
Are you leaking this?
Why I do not love Mockito annotations

 javac (1)

Cross-version Java compilation

 jekyll (2)

Using a custom apex domain with Github Pages
Refreshing my personal website with Github Pages and Jekyll

 lambda (1)

LEGO trains distributed control system using Raspberry Pi, AWS and Trello

 lego (1)

LEGO trains distributed control system using Raspberry Pi, AWS and Trello

 mac (2)

Terminal setup
Connect HomeKit lights

 maker (1)

LEGO trains distributed control system using Raspberry Pi, AWS and Trello

 memory (1)

Are you leaking this?

 microservices (1)

Scaling towards a thousand microservices

 mockito (1)

Why I do not love Mockito annotations

 network (1)

Connect HomeKit lights

 performance (1)

Avoid exceptions for control flow - the performance argument

 power-up (1)

LEGO trains distributed control system using Raspberry Pi, AWS and Trello

 python (1)

LEGO trains distributed control system using Raspberry Pi, AWS and Trello

 raspberry-pi (1)

LEGO trains distributed control system using Raspberry Pi, AWS and Trello

 reliability (1)

Five Essential Techniques for Building Fault-tolerant Systems

 resilience (1)

Five Essential Techniques for Building Fault-tolerant Systems

 sensor (1)

LEGO trains distributed control system using Raspberry Pi, AWS and Trello

 smart (1)

Connect HomeKit lights

 talk (2)

Five Essential Techniques for Building Fault-tolerant Systems
Scaling towards a thousand microservices

 terminal (1)

Terminal setup

 testing (1)

Why I do not love Mockito annotations

 this (1)

Are you leaking this?

 track (1)

LEGO trains distributed control system using Raspberry Pi, AWS and Trello

 trains (1)

LEGO trains distributed control system using Raspberry Pi, AWS and Trello

 uniovi (1)

Scaling towards a thousand microservices

 url (1)

Java URL class is broken

 version (1)

Cross-version Java compilation

 wifi (1)

Connect HomeKit lights

 zsh (1)

Terminal setup