Publishing RDF documents
(This is a reprint of the original post)
I have a policy of not to blog about the tasks I do as part of my job, unless they are in the public domain. My activity as a participant in a W3C working group is included in the latter category. A few weeks ago, I wrote a small set of unit tests to check the compilance of a web site against the Best Practice Recipes for Publishing RDF Vocabularies, which is one of the deliverables we are working on. The source code is available (feedback is welcome, please note that this work is not endorsed by W3C). One of the participants in the working group suggested to evolve the unit tests into a web application to "validate" a web site, similar to the HTML validator or the RDF validator. I'm willing to make this change, but it will have to wait until I have some spare time (by the way, any volunteers to help?).