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ESWC2008 at Tenerife

I've just returned from Tenerife, where I've (partially) attended to the ESWC2008. I arrived there a few days earlier to attend to other business, and I left the ESWC2008 yesterday, just when the main track was starting. Anyway, I had the opportunity to attend to the Scripting for the Semantic Web workshop, where I presented a paper. I was also a co-author of a second paper that was presented by Wikier. Unfortunately, I missed part of the SFSW workshop because I moved to another room to present a third paper by some colleagues at the SIEDL.

As usual, I tried to do my best with the presentations, so I spent a considerable amount of time carefully tidying my slides and speech. I introduced a new element: instead of OpenOffice, I used Apple Keynote. I felt comfortably presenting with the new tool, although the way in which Keynote stores the files is extremely inconvenient. Firstly, it uses a directory instead of a single file, thus making it (almost) impossible to keep the slides in a SVN repository. Secondly, it doesn't support the OpenDocument standard.

The trip to Tenerife was uneventful (fortunately, I must say), with some minor inconveniences in the return trip. These included a very eccentric taxi driver and a small delay in one of the flights, without consequences for the next connection. The place and the weather were superb. This was my first time in the Canary Islands. Actually, this trip has enlarged my personal "geographical bounding box" in two dimensions (can you guess how?).